one fish two fish 4

one fish two fish 4

2015-08-16    03'07''

主播: Ellen英语

90 3

Who is this pet? Say! He is wet. You never yet met a pet, I bet, as wet as they let this wet pet get. Did you ever fly a kite in bed? Did you ever walk with ten cats on your head? Did you ever milk this kind of cow? Well, we can do it. We know how. If you never did, you should. These things are fun and fun is good. Hello! Hello! Are you there? Hello! I called you up to say hello. I said hello. Can you hear me, Joe? Oh, no. I can not hear your call. I can not hear your call at all. This is not good and I know why. A mouse has cut the wire. Good-by! From near to far from here to there, funny things are everywhere. These yellow pets are called the Zeds. They have one hair up on their heads. Their hair grows fast... so fast, they say, they need a hair cut every day. Who am I? My name is Ish. On my hand I have a dish. I have this dish to help me wish. When I wish to make a wish I wave my hand with a big swish swish. Then I say, "I wish for fish!" And I get fish right on my dish. So...if you wish to wish a wish, you may swish for fish with my Ish wish dish. At our house we play out back. We play a game called Ring the Gack. Would you like to play this game? Come down! We have the only Gack in town. Look what we found in the park in the dark. We will take him home. We will call him Clark. He will live at our house. He will grow and grow. Will our mother like this? We don&`&t know. And now good night. It is time to sleep. So we will sleep with our pet Zeep. Today is gone. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. Every day, from here to there, funny things are everywhere. 阅读英语原文,请关注微信公众号EllenFuture
上一期: one fish two fish 3
下一期: Brown bear