【Ellen英语绘本】Just mommy and me

【Ellen英语绘本】Just mommy and me

2016-12-13    03'30''

主播: Ellen英语

288 18

Just Mommy and Me If I were a monkey who swung on a tree and you were my Mommy who swung after me and we ate bananas until there were none and then took a nap in the warm, cozy sun and when we woke up, sang our favorite song If we were two monkeys who played hide-and-seek and I promised you, Mommy that I wouldn&`&t peek. and we took a walk in a cool,shady place and saw who could make the silliest face and we picked some flowers to put in your hat, and I got to choose them-you know I&`&d love that! If we were two monkeys just having a ball and you told me stories of when you were small and we took a swim with the fishes and frogs, and splashed in the water and rolled on the logs. And snuggled up close while we looked on the skies to watch the sun sat and the stars wink their eyes…… If we did those things all the day long,and soon, We both fell asleep under bright Mr.Moon…… Imagine how happy and fun it would be,if we were two monkeys just Mommy and me!