4. How Does Your Garden Grow?

4. How Does Your Garden Grow?

2016-04-26    03'57''

主播: 佳逸Lisa

85 5

How Does Your Garden Grow? Winnie the Pooh hears bees. And bees mean honey. Winnie follows the bees. But he doesn't find honey. He finds Rabbit 's garden instead. All his friends are there. Rabbit is proud of his garden. He uses vegetables from his garden to make soup. Winnie watches the bees through the window. "I should plant a flower garden," he says. "Bees visit flowers in gardens. Then they make honey! Rabbit gives Winnie some seeds. He scatters them outside his house. He waits all afternoon. But no flowers grow. Winnie sees many pretty flowers in the Wood. How do they grow? The next day, Winnie's friends visit him. Winnie is sad because he has no flowers. "First, you need a sunny spot," says Rabbit. "The sun gives plants energy to grow." "Then you need to dig holes," Rabbit says. "Drop a seed in each hole and cover it. The seeds get food from the soil." "Now pat the soil down," Rabbit says. Tigger jumps on the soil. "Each plant has roots," says Rabbit. "The roots take in food from the soil." "The roots also drink in water," Rabbit says. "The food and water help the plants grow." Roo runs to get water. He pours it on the soil. "Don't make the soil too wet," Rabbit tells Roo. "Now, where are the flowers?" Tigger asks. "Yes," says Roo. "The garden is in a sunny spot. The seeds are in the holes. They all have water. But nothing is happening." "Now we wait," Rabbit says. "But there are some things we can do. Let's go back to my garden." Everybody follows Rabbit home. "Next we pull weeds," Rabbit says. "Then vegetables and flowers have more room to grow. I also like to sing songs while I work. Soon, the new flowers appear." Winnie's friends help him with his garden. They sing songs and pull weeds. When it's sunny, they water the soil. When it's rainy, they don't. They wait for something to happen. After a few days, a flower appears. Then there are ten flowers. Soon flowers fill the whole garden! "What pretty flowers!" says Rabbit. "Thank you," says Winnie. "And thank you for your help!" The friends are happy. They plant more seeds. Soon there are flowers everywhere! Some are pink. Some are purple. Others are yellow or white. But they all grow the same way. They need water, sunlight, and lots of love!
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