

2017-12-06    18'30''

主播: yikiqiuqiu

79 0

点餐英语分为4大块 这部分是快餐店点餐 讲解实用的表达以及串联小对话 看看汉堡的层层结构和酱料的说法: bun 面包 sesame 芝麻 ketchup 番茄酱 lettuce 生菜 beef patty 牛肉饼 mustard 芥末 sliced onions 洋葱切片 pickle slices 腌酸黄瓜 cheese 起司 tomato slices 番茄切片 实用点餐句: 店员: Welcome to Burger King. Will this order be for here or to go? 欢迎光临汉堡王,您是堂食还是外带? Would you like to supersize that? It`s only thirty cents more. 您要加大吗?加大只要加30美分 I am sorry, but no substitutions are allowed. 很抱歉,但是不能换 Your total comes to $9. 您的总额是9美元 That will be an additional forty cents. 那要额外加40美分 顾客: I`d like the chicken burger with fries. Hold the cheese and mayonnaise, please. 我要点香鸡堡加薯条,不要加起司和蛋黄酱 I`d like the bacon cheeseburger, extra mayo. 我要点培根起司堡,多加点蛋黄酱 Can I get the chicken nugget combo meal? 我可以点鸡块套餐吗? Can I get a milk shake instead of the soda? 我可以把汽水换成奶昔吗? Can I have an extra packet of ketchup? 我可以多要一包番茄酱吗? Does that cost anything extra? 那样要加钱吗? What`s your special today? 你们今天的特餐是什么?