

2017-12-24    02'32''

主播: yikiqiuqiu

83 1

口语学习微信群(小群,便于答疑和交流) 每天一个口语话题 教大家地道表达,会有音标以及发音培训 白菜价就能学到干货 费用以及详情可加微信 Qamarq 咨询 (加微信请标注“口语”) a bolt from/out of the blue The news of his marriage was a bolt from the blue. 他结婚的消息真是出人意料 Her dismissal came as a bolt from the blue. 她被解雇简直就是晴天霹雳 It was a bolt out of the blue when Yuki resigned. Yuki辞职令人大感意外 She had given us no warning she was going to leave; it came as a complete bolt from the blue. 她预先没有告诉我们她要走,这真是太突然了