Every Morning in Africa

Every Morning in Africa

2016-01-21    00'40''

主播: 哈哈Andy

164 1

Every morning in Africa, an antelope wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion, or it will be killed; every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up, it knows it must run faster than the slowest antelope, or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or an antelope, when the sun comes up, you’d better be running! 在非洲大草原的每天早晨,当羚羊醒来的时候,它知道它必须要跑过最快的狮子,否则,它就会被吃掉;在非洲大草原的每天早晨,当狮子醒来的时候,它知道最起码要追上最慢的羚羊,否则,它就饿死了。所以,无论你是狮子还是羚羊,每天早晨当太阳升起的时候,你就要不断地往前跑!
下一期: The Meaning of Life《生活的意义》