

2017-02-01    03'19''

主播: 攸宁公子

795 14

北京时间今日凌晨,联合国经社理事会青年论坛第二日顺利进行,中国青年代表王源在会议中发言。源哥在整个发言过程中全部使用英文,在仅有的两分钟时间里,畅谈他心目中的“优质教育”,并对青年力量给世界带来影响表示坚信与肯定。此外,他还表示中国青年们会积极推动实现可持续发展目标,呼吁更多人为其助力。以上是王源发言和会后采访的音频回顾,一起来感受下青年王源的风采! 发言全文[英文版]: Ok, Dear excellencies, friends and colleagues, First, I would like to thank all speakers and panelists for the enlighting speeches. My name is Roy Wang. I’m a young singer and actor from China, the country that hosts 278 million young people, and the second largest youth population in the world. Until yesterday , I only saw the UN building on TV. so,this is the very first time that I am honored to participate in the youth forum to raise my voice. I’m grateful for this unique opportunity. I was fortunate to work with the United Nations China sub-group on use to advocate for the image 2030 Campaign, which aims at encouraging the young generation in China to reflect and think about the world we want to see in 2030. The year, the Sustainable Development Goals are expected be achieved.This campaign, meaningfully engaged a large number of young people, including millions of left-behind children, and other marginalized young people, and provided them with an opportunity to express their views and share their imagination to inspire our world. I submitted a cartoon-drawing project.My passion for 2030 is that every young person can access good quality education, girls have the same potential to achieve amazing things as boys. With the support from many young people across the country, the campaign, which has been running for a few months since October 26th, recorded over 500 million views online. Exported by a campaign, understanding SDGs has become a fashion among the young people. Dear excellencies, friends, and colleagues, taking this opportunity, both as a leader and a young person myself, I want to reassure you of Chinese young people’s motivation to advance and realize SDGs wherever you are. I truly believe that our youth power can influence the world we live in, and hope that our determination can make a difference. Thank you very much. 发言全文翻译: 好的。尊敬的各位阁下,亲爱的朋友,同僚们,首先,我想要感谢所有的发言人以及小组成员,感谢大家发人深省的演讲。我叫王源。是一名来自中国的年轻歌手和演员。中国拥有两亿七千八百万年轻人,是世界青年人口第二大国。 在昨天之前,我只在电视上见过联合国大楼。因此我非常荣幸能够首次参加本届青年论坛并代表中国青年发声。非常感恩拥有这次机会。我很荣幸能与联合国驻华系统的青年问题工作小组合作共同倡导“畅想2030活动”。这个活动旨在鼓励中国年轻一代反省并思考,到2030年我们要将世界建设成什么样子。我们期待今年可持续发展目标能够达成。这个富有意义的活动,吸引了大量年轻人参加。包括无数的留守儿童和其他不受重视的年轻人,活动给他们提供了表达观点的机会。也许他们能够分享对于未来的畅想,鼓舞我们的世界。 我提交了一幅漫画作品。我期望在2030年,每个年轻人都能获得优质教育。女孩和男孩一样,都有成就大事的潜力。在全中国众多年轻人的支持下,这项2016年10月份开始进行的活动,几个月里就已经获得了超过5亿的网络阅读量。在本次活动的影响下,了解可持续发展目标已经成为年轻人的时尚。 尊敬的各位阁下,亲爱的朋友,同僚们。借此机会,作为一名青年领袖。我想各位保证,无论您身在何处。都将看到中国的年轻一代积极推进和实现可持续发展的目标。我坚信我们的青年力量可以影响我们所生活的世界。也希望我们的决心能够让世界变得不同。谢谢。
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