Footprint that you left for me is my only path, The path to you. You light the dim and old forest for me From the vast valley of Yosemite To the whitening Daxing&`&an Mountain range Drawing on the road by Mr MI-LU Or singing in the night that is Ms Nightingale I&`&d like to sing with her Darling could my voice touch you Footprints that you left for me is my only path The path to you, Your beauty melt the ice on the road From Alps&`& glacier To the silver colored South Pole The snowflakes that fly to my shoulder The icicles that with pure heart They sealed your kiss That is for me Footprint that you left for me is my only path The path to you, You left your memories in the cities you passed by I will find them From crowded streets of Tokyo To the sping like Dali Shall remember each streets where you enjoy yourself Shall I forget each things that you love but let it go I wouldn&`&t be far away when your heart are tired to travel I am here or ready for you
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