Lesson2-Hello, I am Annna

Lesson2-Hello, I am Annna

2016-12-29    00'49''

主播: 🌟Sylvie✨

42 0

Lesson 2 Summary Anna moves to Washington, DC. She goes to her new apartment and meets a new friend. Jonathan: Hey, Pete! Who’s your friend? Pete: She is Anna. She is new to D.C. Jonathan: Where are you from? Anna: I am from a small town. Jonathan: Well, welcome to D.C. Anna: Thank you. Jonathan: I am Jonathan. I am in apartment B4. Anna: I am in apartment C2. Marsha is my roommate. Jonathan: I know Marsha. She is nice. Pete: I have to go now. Anna: Oh! Pete: Remember to call Marsha at work. Tell her you’re here. Anna: Right, thanks, Pete. Nice to meet you! Jonathan: You too, Bye. Anna: Apartment C2, here I come!
上一期: Lesson1-Welcome
下一期: Lesson3-I am here