

2016-10-09    04'39''

主播: Woosir 翻译官

94 3

Florida is embattled by a massive storm, Hurricane Matthew, bringing destructive winds and storm surges with waves up to five meters high.Millions of people have been told to leave their homes. Earlier it caused devastation across Haiti, where more than 800 people have been killed, thousands displaced. Rescuers say they expect to find more casualties as they reach remote communities. The Bank of England is investigating why the pound plunged 6% on Asian markets before recovering some of the ground. The UK&`&s Finance Minister says it reflects the realization by investors that Britain will leave the European Union. And Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos says that he hopes Nobel Peace Prize that he has been rewarded will help his efforts to end the conflict with FARC rebels. Mr Santos said he was overwhelmed by the award.