What's the Caterpillar Doing Inside the Cocoon?

What's the Caterpillar Doing Inside the Cocoon?

2017-01-16    01'22''

主播: 201610021956388475

343 4

Do you know sometimes caterpillar wrap themselves up in a cocoon and go to sleep for a very long time. Let&`&s pretend that our farm is the caterpillar, If you have a puppet, put your puppet on your farm and hide your farm away inside your hand. What&`&s the caterpillar doing in there? Have a look! Hmm... What&`&s the caterpillar doing inside the cocoon? I think it&`&s learning how to fly. He slowly changing shape and soon will come out a bright butterfly. Open up! Fly away butterflies. Try that again.
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