【轻松口语】a million and one

【轻松口语】a million and one

2017-01-04    02'44''

主播: Alice小巍

115 2

欢迎加入微信公众号:轻松练口语 今日表达: a million and one 什么东西很多、无数的、许许多多的 a million and one+名词复数 栗子: (1)He can find a million and one excuses for being late. 他可以为他的迟到找到许多借口 (2)The boy is curious about everything.He always has a million and one questions. 这个小男孩对一切事物都充满了好奇,他总是有很多问题 be curious about..对...好奇 (3)Leave it to her.She can think out a million and one ideas every time. 交给她办吧,她每次都能想出许多点子 万分感谢、多谢! Thanks a million! Dear ones: 拌水泥的孩子、佳茗、仙 Thanks a million! ​ ​​ ​