

2016-08-29    04'56''

主播: dodo兜小兜

4060 27

-01- Hawaiian Rainbows F Bb F C7 Hawaiian rainbows White clouds roll by You show your colors Against the sky Hawaiian rainbows Reach from the mountains Down to the sea -02- Lovely Hala Trees C G7 Lovely are the hala trees,E-a,E-a Swaying by the gentle seas,E-a,E-a Near ha-e-na halas grow ,E-a,E-a In Na-u-ebreezes blow,E-a,e-a 这是一首夏威夷民歌 一椰一椰的意思是“沙沙” 拟声词 用来描述风吹树叶响的声音 这首歌是英文和夏威夷语混在一起唱的 -03- Pull The Canoe C G G7 All you brave and strong, let's pull our great ca-noe, Now with strength renewed, Let's sail the path so true. 这首歌来自新西兰岛的土著 毛利人 鲜明的节奏和内容倒和柔美的彩虹那首形成了鲜明的对比 -04- Savalivalah F C7 Bb F7 Sa-va -li-va-lah means Go for a walk Tau-ta-la-ta-la means Too much talk A-lo-fa-ia-te-oe means I love you Take it easy Fai Fai le mue 这首歌来自萨摩亚岛 用当地的语言介绍了几种说法 最长的就是i love you了 怪不得这件事最难 -05- Galoomp Went the Little Green Frog Galoomp Went the Little Green Frog one day Galoomp Went the Little Green Frog Galoomp Went the Little Green Frog one day And his eyes went blink, blink,blink! 夏威夷青蛙的叫声是Galoomp 不对,不是青蛙 而是夏威夷人是这样描述青蛙叫声的 如“呱呱” “ribit” -06- Haere, Haere F Bb C7 Bye bye So long, farewell Go and be strong Go and be brave Find your way Your place in the sun Shining brightly , just for you Bye bye, so long So long , farewell 作为一首离别的歌 其中有告别也有美好的祝愿和鼓励 当地人相信太阳是万物之源 可以给人以力量让人坚强
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