100个儿童英文故事集之Book 18 “My Big Brother”

100个儿童英文故事集之Book 18 “My Big Brother”

2017-01-26    01'18''

主播: 爱迪生讲英文故事👑

174 2

100个儿童英文故事集之Book 18 “My Big Brother” Readers are leaders! My big brother likes to paint pictures with me. 我的大哥哥喜欢和我一起画画。 My big brother likes to ride bikes with me. 我的大哥哥喜欢和我一起画画。 He likes to swing with me. 他喜欢和我一起荡秋千。 He likes to jump with me. 他喜欢我和一起跳。 My big brother and I like to climb. 我和我的大哥哥喜欢爬攀爬。 My big brother and I like to slide. 我和我的大哥哥喜欢玩滑滑梯。 My big brother likes to read books with me. 我的大哥哥喜欢和我一起看书。 My big brother likes me. And I like my big brother. 我的大哥哥喜欢我,我喜欢我的大哥哥。 更多精彩内容请关注微信公众平台:爱迪生讲英文故事。