Chicken Little
Chicken Little was walking
in the woods.
“Oh, no!”
said Chicken Little.
“The sky is falling!
I will go to tell the king.”
So Chicken Little went
to tell the king.
Along came Henny Penny.
“The sky is falling,”
said Chicken Little.
“Oh, no!”
said Henny Penny.
So Henny Penny
and Chicken Little
went to tell the king.
Along came Ducky Lucky.
“The sky is falling,”
said Chicken Little.
“Oh, no!”
said Ducky Lucky.
So Ducky Lucky
and Henny Penny
and Chicken Little
went to tell the king.
Along came Goosey Loosey.
“The sky is falling,”
said Chicken Little.
“Oh, no!”
said Goosey Loosey.
So Goosey Loosey
and Ducky Lucky
and Henny Penny
and Chicken Little
went to tell the king.
Along came Foxy Loxy.
“The sky is falling,”
said Chicken Little.
“Oh!” said Foxy Loxy.
“Let’s look up at the sky.”
So Goosey Loosey
and Ducky Lucky
and Henny Penny
and Chicken Little
looked up at the sky.
They looked and looked.
Foxy Loxy looked at
Goosey Loosey
and Ducky Lucky
and Henny Penny
and Chicken Little.
“Maybe the sky is not falling,”
said Chicken Little.
“Oh!” said Henny Penny
and Ducky Lucky
and Goosey Loosey.
“The sky is not falling.”
So Chicken Little
and Henny Penny
and Ducky Lucky
and Goosey Loosey
looked at Foxy Loxy.
“Run!” said Chicken Little.
“Run!” said Henny Penny.
“Run!” said Ducky Lucky.
“Run!” said Goosey Loosey.
They ran and ran.
They ran all the way home.
And they never did
tell the king that
the sky was falling.