20天掌握地道美式发音课程:Day 8 Reduction of THAT, THAN, THEM

20天掌握地道美式发音课程:Day 8 Reduction of THAT, THAN, THEM

2017-07-13    04'47''

主播: 爱迪生讲英文故事👑

125 5

Reduction of THAT, THAN,THEM than/ðæn/ 弱读为 /ðən/ that/ðæt/ 弱读为 /ðət/ them/ðem/ 弱读为 /ðəm/ 甚至 /əm/ 注意:that表强调时不弱读 I know that is not easy. This one is big than that one. I already metioned that to them. Where do you want to put them? I think that you’re doing great. It’s harder than I thought. We’re faster than them. They say that practice makes perfect. 我知道这不容易。 这一个比那个大。 我已经对他们说过了。 你想把它们放在哪里? 我觉得你做得很好。 比我想象的要难。 我们比他们快。 他们说熟能生巧。