My neighbor Totoro 龙猫 Part 1

My neighbor Totoro 龙猫 Part 1

2016-11-20    05'21''

主播: Stimble

362 7

My Neighbor Totoro Part 1 Moving to the new house To live nearer to their mother, who is in hospital, little Mei and her elder sister Satsuki are moving with their father to a house in the countryside. Their father is riding a tricycle. Mei and Satsuki are sitting at the back of the tricycle full of luggage. The scenery on the way is so beautiful. The sky is so blue with white clouds that look just like cotton candy. Passing by the green fields and flourishing forests, they can hear the birds singing and and see crystal clear streams flowing. Now, they are getting closer to their destination and see a little boy working in the yard. He is Kanta. It is his grandma that rents her old house to Mei and Satsuki’s family. Father politely says hello to Kanta, “Hi, buddy. I’m a new comer in the neighborhood. Nice to see you.” “Nice to see you, too.” says Kanta politely, too. “Are your family in?” “Nope, they are working in the fields over there.” Then Father waves at them to say hello. Hearing Kanta’s voice, Satsuki and Mei reach out of the back of the tricycle and joyfully say hello to Kanta, but Kanta suddenly becomes very shy and says nothing, but just makes face to them, making the two sisters very confused. “We’ll see you later when we pay you a proper meeting.” Father says and rides on. Soon, they reach their new house. “Hey girls, here we are!” says Father. Satsuki swiftly jumps out of the tricycle and runs up a tree tunnel to their big house. “Wait for me!” Little Mei is not as fast as her sister, and she needs her father to carry her out. The two sisters are just like two happy little birds, flying around the house. It’s a big house, to be sure, but they are going to have a tough day clearing it up. 龙猫 小梅和她的姐姐小月正在和爸爸搬家。他们要搬到乡下去,因为他们的妈妈生病住院了,住在乡下离妈妈更近些,方便爸爸下班之余去照顾妈妈。爸爸骑着三轮车,满载着一车的行李。小梅和小月就坐在行李堆里。 沿途的风景可美啦!天空湛蓝湛蓝的,朵朵白云就像棉花糖似的。他们路过绿油油的田野和茂密的树林,鸟儿欢快地歌唱,潺潺的小溪清澈见底。 这会儿,他们离目的地越来越近了,看见了邻里的一个小男孩在他家院子里干活。这个小男孩叫勘太,爸爸租的新家就是勘太家的老房子。爸爸停了下来,礼貌地向勘太打招呼:“你好啊,小朋友,我是新搬来的,很高兴见到你!”“您好,欢迎您。”勘太也很礼貌地回答道。“你们家大人在吗?”“不在,都在那边的田里干活呢。”于是,爸爸向田里的大人们热情地挥手。田里的人们也热情地回应着。车里的小梅和小月听到勘太小朋友的声音,乐得连忙探出头来跟他打招呼,可是不知道为什么,勘太看到姐妹俩就立马害羞地说不出话来,没有向刚才回应爸爸那样回应她们,而是做了个鬼脸。“呃~”这让姐妹俩,尤其是姐姐小月很纳闷儿。可就在这时,爸爸说:“再见!我们迟点再来登门拜访。”于是又继续上路了。 不一会儿,他们就到了。“嘿嘿,终于到啦!”小月敏捷地跳下车,往一个小山坡跑去。山坡两边的大树还长成了隧道般拱形的模样,真漂亮!“等等我!”小梅年纪比较小,得需要爸爸把她从车上抱下来。然后,姐妹俩就像两只欢快的小鸟,绕着新家飞奔着。 这房子可真大啊!接下来的大扫除,就得一家人齐心协力加油啦!
上一期: Rapunzel 长发公主
下一期: My Neighbor Totoro