【和老外说英语】歪果仁也被《爸爸去哪儿 》圈粉了!

【和老外说英语】歪果仁也被《爸爸去哪儿 》圈粉了!

2017-09-25    03'04''

主播: 美思英语微信班

26 1

昨天我们的任务答案是:The exam will start after an hour. 是错误的,考试应该是从现在算一个小时后开始,应该用“in". One of my Chinese friends told me about a TV show “Where are we going Dad?” I watched an episode and I thought it was great!! As many of you know the big bull is also a father! I have a little bull his name is Riley and he is 15 years old! Wow when did I get old? Time goes so quickly! Being a good father has always been important to me. Riley is 15! In 15 years I have taught my son many good things. Just like my father taught me so much also. One of the things my father taught me when I was young was Kung fu or Karate. I was so proud to be my father's son.(I really look up to him.)This is the phrase I want you to learn today.(Looking up to someone对某人有信心,佩服某人) As parents we all hope our Children look up to us. Just like the Big Bull and the little bull our kids are smaller versions of us! Let’s all try to be the kind of men and women our children can look up to! 我一个中国朋友告诉了我一个中国电视节目叫《爸爸去哪儿》。我看了一集觉得很棒。你们知道大牛也是个父亲,小牛名字叫Riley,今年15岁了,哇哦我已经这么老了吗?时间过得可真快。做一个好父亲对我来说很重要。在这15年里我教给了我儿子很多重要的东西,就像我爸爸教给我的那样。我爸以前教我功夫和空手道,能做爸爸的儿子我很自豪。作为父母我们都希望孩子能尊敬我们,像我们看齐。就像我和我儿子一样,孩子就是父母的翻版。让我们一起努力成为让孩子尊敬的好家长。 重点表达 look up to 尊敬,敬仰 微信朗读班内容 My son thinks it’s really cool that Dad speaks Chinese. The little bull wants to learn Chinese too. He really looks up to me. 我儿子觉得老爸说英文很酷。小牛也想学中文,他很佩服爸比,想要向他看齐。 ▼ 任务时间 请大家在留言中回复:请大家仿照例句描述一下自己的父母或孩子。 欢迎大家关注美思公众号meisichina发现更多有趣又好玩英语。 ​