【和老外说英语】知道你们热情,但是“welcome to China"别乱说!

【和老外说英语】知道你们热情,但是“welcome to China"别乱说!

2017-09-27    02'55''

主播: 美思英语微信班

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Everyone knows that when you are learning a new language you are going to make mistakes.It’s going to happen, so you have to accept it! When I was learning Chinese I made so many mistakes, in fact I still make mistakes all the time!! Don’t worry. Everyone makes mistakes and you are not alone! 大家都知道学习新语言难免会犯错。这常会发生,所以你必须接受这个事实。我学中文的时候也会犯很多错误,直到现在我还一直犯错!不用担心,每个人都会犯错,你不是一个人。 Welcome to China. You are probably thinking, hey Big Bull, what’s wrong with this?I say this all the time! When my students say this, it makes me laugh a little. This expression can only be used when someone is face to face with you. It means they have already arrived in China. Guys I haven’t arrived and we are not face to face! You probably want to say, “I would like to invite you to China or you would be welcome to visit China or you are welcome in China anytime, Big Bull!.” ”欢迎来到中国“。你应该在想,大牛,这有什么不对吗?我一直都是这么说的。这种表达只用于某人和你面对面的时候,表示他们已经到中国了。朋友们我还在美国啊,我们不是在面对面!正确表达应该是:“I would like to invite you to China or you would be welcome to visit China or you are welcome in China anytime, Big Bull!.” If you are one of the students making this mistake, Don't worry too much. Remember,If you are making mistakes, it means you are trying hard, your effrot is big. It's the same with learning anything, especially English and Chinese. big mistake=big effort =big learning 如果你也在犯错的学生之列,不要太担心。记住,犯错意味着你在努力,非常努力。学习任何东西都一样,尤其是英语和汉语。大错误=大努力=快速学习 微信朗读班内容 I would like to invite you to China. You would be welcome to visit China. You are welcome in China anytime. 欢迎你来中国(对方不在中国) ▼ 任务时间 请大家在留言中回复:A: I like China very much. I hope I can visit China one day。​ B: Welcome to China ! B是对还是错?为什么? 明天揭晓答案 欢迎大家关注美思公众号meisichina发现更多有趣又好玩的英语 ​