Kichijoji 吉祥寺,精致生活理想地

Kichijoji 吉祥寺,精致生活理想地

2020-08-24    59'53''


574 5

吉祥寺,是你体验精致休闲生活的理想地。这里不是国际连锁品牌林立的街区,却有众多独立经营的精致咖啡店。杂货、古着、二手书店、手工家具,一切让生活美好的商店都在这里。约上好友或恋人,悠闲的在井之头公园散步,探索丛林中的各式餐厅,去吉卜力美术馆寻找回忆。傍晚再去口琴横丁的无座酒吧喝上一杯。至于天鹅船,不要随便坐哦。 Kichijoji is a fancy place for you to experience a relaxing leisure life. This is not a block full of international chain brands, but many exquisite hand-brewed coffee shops which are operated independently. Groceries, vintage, second-hand bookstores, handmade furniture, all the shops you can find here. Ask your friends or lovers, take a leisurely walk in Inokashira Park, explore various restaurants in the jungle, and go to the Ghibli Museum to find some memories. In the evening, go to the seatless bar in Harmonica Yokocho for a drink. As for the swan boat, pay attention don’t take that ride. 关注我们的微博 @Tokyo_Stations 与我们互动,分享你收听节目的想法、见解与感想。 主播:方枪枪,黄大姐,秦老板,小狐狸 品牌设计:哦小普 剪辑制作:哦小普,秦老板 监制:哦小普 by (kbys) studio