【故事与解析】Maisy makes lemonade

【故事与解析】Maisy makes lemonade

2016-09-14    06'16''

主播: Sunny亲子英文

525 8

maisy makes lemonade (by Lucy Cousins) Maisy is out in the sunshine today. Mmmm, she's drinking delicious lemonade. Hello, Eddie, are you thirsty? Sit down and have some lemonade. Eddie's still thirsty. But, oh dear, the lemonade has all gone! Maisy has an idea. She goes to the lemon tree in the garden... and she picks lots of lemons. Thanks for the lift, Eddie! In the kitchen, Eddie squeezes the lemons into a jug. Then Maisy adds some water... and Eddie stirs in the sugar. Hooray! A jug full of delicious lemonade! Maisy fetches some glasses. Slurp, slurp! Whatever is that noise, Maisy? Oh, it's you, Eddie! What delicious lemonade. Now you'll have to make some more!