King In The Mirror

King In The Mirror

2019-04-02    03'15''

主播: Elean .

265 2

I am still 如此平静 Cannot fill 却不满足 There's silence 如此寂寥 I am in island 立于孤岛 I am still 波澜不惊 In my will 于我心中 It's broken 镜面碎裂 I am frozen 凝固结冰 I'm the king in the mirror 我是镜中的国王 Queen of the shy 是胆怯的皇后 The hero is hidden for so long 英雄隐姓埋名太久 I'm the king in the mirror 我是镜中的国王 Not in real live 不存于现实 And I looked in the mirror for too long 我长久地注视着镜子 What you do 你该如何 Make it move 使其移动 We're flying 我们高飞 Still hiding 依旧隐藏 What you do 你该如何 See it true 看得真切 To the liars 掩耳盗铃 There is lying 自欺欺人 I'm the king in the mirror 我是镜中的国王 Queen of the shy 是胆怯的皇后 The hero is hidden for so long 英雄隐姓埋名太久 I'm the king in the mirror 我是镜中的国王 Not in real live 不存于现实 And I looked in the mirror for too long 我长久地注视着镜子 I want to be 我想成为 What I can't see 虚妄之物 But you just looking back at me 但你却回头看着我 I want to be 我想成为 What I can't see 虚妄之物 But you just looking back at me 但你却回头看着我 I'm the king in the mirror 我是镜中的国王 Queen of the shy 是胆怯的皇后 The hero is hidden for so long 英雄隐姓埋名太久 I'm the king in the mirror 我是镜中的国王 Not in real live 不存于现实 And I looked in the mirror for too long 我长久地注视着镜子 For to long 已经太久了。
上一期: 李森教授主讲~
下一期: DAYS and MOONS