starry night

starry night

2018-10-02    01'10''


491 3

Lesson 13 Starry Night camwayenglish2018.10.02 LESSON 13 Starry Night My uncle Sam is an astronomer. He gets to look at the planets and the stars. Uncle Sam gave me a big telescope for my birthday. On a clear night last week, we looked through the telescope together. I saw a very bright spot in the sky. My uncle told me it was the planet Venus. Uncle Sam showed me groups of stars that look like pictures. He showed me “The Big Dipper''. It looks like a big pot with a long handle. He showed me one called “the Broken W''. It looks like a “w'', but it is a little bit lopsided. I love looking at the starry night sky. Maybe I will be an astronomer, too!