因为可以 所以选择 ㈣ 诗:自在存在

因为可以 所以选择 ㈣ 诗:自在存在

2016-03-13    09'26''

主播: 小V爱读书

150 4

四 自在存在 起风呼喊, 穿越南山; 足迹斑斑, 悠然懒散。 挥手拜拜, 回眸无岸; 乘风而起, 岁月漫漫。 Easy Life Yelling on wind rising by walking through South mountain, step by step sinking on the road, and feeling easy and free. Shaking hands and say goodbye just turn around and endless road, so walking on the wind walking on the life.