p34 Old Mother Hubbard

p34 Old Mother Hubbard

2016-04-03    01'31''

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Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To fetch her poor dog a bone; But when she got there The cupboard was bare And so the poor dog had none. She went to the fishmonger’s To buy him some fish; But when she came back He was licking the dish. She went to the fruiterer’s To buy him some fruit, But when she came back. He was playing the flute. 老母亲哈伯德, 去到橱柜边, 想为可怜的狗拿一根骨头; 当她来到那里, 橱柜已经空空, 所以可怜的狗什么也没有了。 她去鱼店, 给他买些鱼, 当她回来的时候, 他正在舔盘子。 她去水果店, 给他买些水果, 当她回来的时候, 他正在吹笛子。 大家要注意的词汇: Hubbard [ˈhʌbəd]:[人名] 哈伯德 cupboard [ˈkʌbəd]:橱柜 bone [bəʊn]:骨头 bare [beə(r)]:空的 fishmonger [ˈfɪʃmʌŋgə(r)]:鱼商 lick [lɪk]:舔 fruiterer [ˈfru:tərə(r)]:商品 flute [flu:t]:长笛