1-8 jack And jill

1-8 jack And jill

2016-11-10    00'43''

主播: 磨出你的英文耳朵

546 6

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after 杰克和吉尔, 上山去打水。 杰克滑倒了, 脑袋摔着了。 吉尔跟着滑倒了。 1. fetch: (去)拿来 2.pail: 桶 a pail of water: 一桶水 3. crown: 敲(某人的)脑壳 broke his crown: 敲到了他的脑袋 4. tumble: 使摔倒,摔倒 5.come after: 跟着来,跟在后面
上一期: 1-7 two little black birds
下一期: 1-9 the chimney