28 I had a sausage

28 I had a sausage

2016-11-14    00'55''

主播: 磨出你的英文耳朵

233 1

I had a sausage, a bonny bonny sausage, I put it in the oven for my tea. I went down the cellar, to get the salt and pepper, And the sausage ran after me. 我有一根香肠,  瘦巴巴的香肠,  我把它放进炉里烤来当茶点。  我下楼到地窖,  拿点盐和胡椒,  然后那香肠跟着我后面跑。 大家要注意的词汇: sausage [ˈsɒsɪdʒ] :香肠 bonny ['bɒnɪ] :漂亮的 oven [ˈʌvn] :烤炉 cellar [ˈselə(r)] :地窖 salt [sɔ:lt] :盐 pepper [ˈpepə(r)] :辣椒