07 Down at the station, early in the morning

07 Down at the station, early in the morning

2016-11-15    00'55''

主播: 磨出你的英文耳朵

347 2

Down at the station, early in the morning,  See the little puffer-billies all in a row;  See the engine-driver pull his little lever-  Puff puff, peep peep, off we go!  大清早,到车站,  瞧!小火车们排排站;  看那司机,拉开他的小把手,  咻咻嘟嘟出发喽! 大家要注意的发音: station ['steiʃən] 车站 in a row 排队 puffer ['pʌfə] puff 加词尾er 派生过来的。 puffer-billies ['bili] 蒸汽机车。 engine [ 'endʒin] 机车,火车头 engine-driver 火车司机 lever ['li:və; 'le-] 控制杆 puff [ pʌf ] 喷出,吹气 peep [pi:p] 嘟嘟声,喇叭声 off we go 出发