Russian Red-Fuerteventura

Russian Red-Fuerteventura

2017-07-13    02'15''

主播: 非西不是鱼

805 29

作曲 : LOURDES (AKA RUSSIAN RED) HERNANDEZ GONZALEZ/CARLOS MIGUEL, You're always such a fool, 我亲爱的小傻子, And in your eyes so blue, 透过你湛蓝如深海的眼眸, I see the life I never had before, 我预见了前所未有的人生, Do you remember when, 还记得吗, We used to live things separate, 我们曾把生活与现实分离, We hadn't met or thought, 不曾经历或思索, That could be possible, 这也许是可能的, I'm glad you had your life, 庆幸你拥有自己的生活, So good to listen to your past, 听你娓诉过往亦是美事, All of those things brought you, 而它将你带到我面前来, With me and now we're two, 你我天作之合, You're always such a fool, 我亲爱的小傻子, And in your eyes so blue, 透过你湛蓝如深海的眼眸, I see the life I never had before, 我预见了前所未有的人生, You always talk so smooth, 你的声线柔和悦耳, And in your voice, so true, 那带给我真实感的声音, I hear the dream, 是我从未拥有过的梦境, I never had before, 从未, But if I try to think Of something better than this, 但是请允许我再细想 是否有比这更美好的事呢, Heaven comes down, 从天堂降落, And reminds the luck we live, 我们能活下来真是很幸运啊, You're always such a fool, 我亲爱的小傻子, And in your eyes so blue, 透过你湛蓝如深海的眼眸, I see the life I never had before, 我预见了前所未有的人生, You always talk so smooth, 你的声线柔和悦耳, And in your voice, so true, 那带给我真实感的声音, I hear the dream, 是我从未拥有过的梦境, I never had before, 未曾有过