

2017-09-28    00'36''

主播: 燃烧姐Miley

88 1

公众号:英语主播燃烧姐Miley 公众号:MileyOnFire Sustainable dining can mean a lot of things. As you saw just now, it’s certainly about being careful, about avoiding the foods that are over-exploited. It’s also about eating seasonally and locally. For example, tomatoes. 可持续饮食有很多意思。正如大家刚刚看到的,这意味着对吃的东西要非常小心,避免过度加工的食物。可持续饮食也意味着选用当季当地的食物,比如番茄。 Now many of us eat tomatoes all year round, and for a lot of us that means tomatoes that were shipped from very far away, and that means a big carbon footprint. So how do we eat more sustainably? It’s about getting back to basics. 现在很多人一年四季都吃番茄,对我们大多数人而言,这些番茄都是从很远的地方运过来的,这意味着很大的碳足迹。所以我们该怎么吃才是可持续的呢?其实关键在于,回归初始。