一生所爱 | 遇见你之前 我不知爱为何物(双语)

一生所爱 | 遇见你之前 我不知爱为何物(双语)

2018-04-10    07'41''

主播: 燃烧姐Miley

3302 117

Before you I never really understood love or songs or those films. 遇到你之前,我不知爱为何物。也不明辨歌里唱的,电影里放的。 And then again, before you I didn't understand how full my heart could feel. 还有,在遇到你之前,我都不知道我的心能够这么充实。 Before you, I decided that I would never fall in love. 遇到你之前,我就认为自己永远不可能去爱了。 Love seemed like madness. 对我来说爱显得有些疯狂。 I honestly couldn't understand why anyone would put themselves through so much suffering. 老实说,我最初并不能理解为什么有人会让自己经历这么多的痛苦。 But then I met you, and I knew I'd put up with endless misery if it meant I could have you. 但是后来我遇见了你,然后我明白了,我会愿意忍受无休无止的悲伤,只要能拥有你。 I climb mountains and cross oceans. 我翻山越岭,远渡重洋。 You are my world, and it scared me, because at any moment my world could end. 你就是我的世界,这也让我感到害怕,因为随时随地我的整个世界都有可能坍塌。 The tiniest things that make my heart skip beats; the birthmark on your shoulder; the way you pronounce my name. 与你有关的一点小事都能让我心跳加速;你肩上的胎记,你唤我名字的方式。 I wanted all the beautiful parts of you, and I wanted all the ugly parts, too. 我想拥有你所有的优点,也想拥有你所有的缺点。   This isn’t about my grandmother’s ring on the finger next to yours. It’s not about something old or something new. It’s about standing next to you, and telling you that my world only started spinning once you said “Yes”. 重要的不是我手上祖母的戒指,重要的不是新东西,也不是旧东西,重要的是你站在我身旁告诉你当你说了愿意之后,我的世界才开始转动。 I don’t wanna say I do, because that would be too easy. I’d rather say we did, when they said we shouldn’t. We do, when they said we wouldn’t. I’d rather say we will, even when they say we can’t. 我并不想说我愿意,因为这太容易。我更愿意说我们做到了, 虽然他们之前说我们做不到。我更愿意说,我们要做,虽然他们之前说我们不会做。我更愿意说我们会做,尽管他们说我们不能做。   纯手打by燃烧姐Miley 一首小诗 送给你 一个拥抱 许许多多的拥抱 一个烛光晚餐 许许多多顿家常便饭 一个吻 淅淅沥沥深深浅浅的吻 一次牵手 缠缠绵绵无限柔情的十指相扣 一次对望 远近高低各不同的对视 一把伞 许许多多个你不曾带伞的雨夜 一次踏青 踏遍千山万水 走遍海角天涯 一颗初心 一颗匠心 一颗善心 一颗爱心 一颗仁心 一颗少女心 原创by燃烧姐