

2017-03-16    02'43''

主播: A🇨🇦加拿大Kenji老师

465 3

A: Gosh, another stop. It seems the cars ahead of us have to stop every two minutes. It's no quicker than a bus. 哎呀,又要停车。好像前面的车每隔两分钟就停一次。还不如乘坐公交车快呢。 B: That's true. During rush hour, taxis are just as quick as buses. 的确是这样。在上下班高峰期,出租车和公交车一样快。 A: It was silly of me to have taken a taxi. 我选择打车真是件傻事。 B: At least, it can free you from the crowd. 至少你不用在公交车上挤了。