

2017-05-11    01'39''

主播: A🇨🇦加拿大Kenji老师

354 4

美元兑换成人民币,或将人民币兑换成美元各自要怎么说呢? I want to change US dollars to RMB. I want to change RMB to US dollars. 例句: A: I want to change US dollars to RMB. 我想将美元兑换成人民币 B: OK. Let me just check the rate. 好的,我确认一下汇率 说出要兑换的币种之后,银行工作人员一般还会问你要兑换多少 How much would you like to change? 例句: How much would you like to change? 你想要兑换多少? 500 dollars. 伍佰美元