

2017-07-03    04'56''

主播: A🇨🇦加拿大Kenji老师

183 5

Boil some water. 烧点水吧 Boil v. 煮沸,沸腾 The water is boiling 水开了 I smell gas, turn it off. 我闻到煤气味了。把煤气关了。 = I smell gas, switch it off. Turn off = switch off “关掉” It's still not mixed well enough. 还没有搅拌好呢/搅拌均匀呢。 Mix 混合 混匀 Could you whisk two eggs for me, please? 能帮我打两个蛋吗? Whisk 搅拌,打蛋 Dinner’s almost ready. Would you set the table, please? 饭马上好了。你能把碗筷摆好吗? Could you put a pair of chopsticks beside each bowl, please? 您能帮我在每一个碗旁边放双筷子吗?