【原创】爱跳绳的霸王龙:T-rex Loves Jumping Rope【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

【原创】爱跳绳的霸王龙:T-rex Loves Jumping Rope【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

2018-04-25    01'19''

主播: 宝宝巴士

18434 14

【儿歌歌词:英文——中文翻译】 T-rex loves jumping rope. 爱跳绳的霸王龙, Everything shakes when he jumps. 跳起绳来轰隆隆。 Come on over my good friends. 好朋友们一起来, Together let’s jump rope. 一起跳绳。 T-rex loves jumping rope. 爱跳绳的霸王龙, Everything shakes when he jumps. 跳起绳来轰隆隆。 Come on over my good friends. 好朋友们一起来, Together let’s jump rope. 一起跳绳。 Try to jump on one leg now. 跟我一起单脚跳, Try to jump on two legs now. 跟我一起双脚跳。 Come on over my good friends. 好朋友们一起来, Together let’s jump rope. 一起跳绳。 One two three four five six seven. 一二三四五六七, It’s so fun to jump rope. 一起跳绳真开心。 One two three four five six seven. 一二三四五六七, Together let’s jump rope. 一起跳绳。 T-rex jumps up so high. 霸王龙跳得好高啊! T-rex loves jumping rope. 爱跳绳的霸王龙, Everything shakes when he jumps. 跳起绳来轰隆隆。 Come on over my good friends. 好朋友们一起来, Together let’s jump rope. 一起跳绳。 Try to jump on one leg now. 跟我一起单脚跳, Try to jump on two legs now. 跟我一起双脚跳。 Come on over my good friends. 好朋友们一起来, Together let’s jump rope. 一起跳绳。 One two three four five six seven. 一二三四五六七, It’s so fun to jump rope. 一起跳绳真开心。 One two three four five six seven. 一二三四五六七, Together let’s jump rope. 一起跳绳。