【原创】小小船长:little captain【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

【原创】小小船长:little captain【宝宝巴士英文儿歌】

2018-06-12    01'13''

主播: 宝宝巴士

23422 48

【英文儿歌歌词:英文——中文翻译】 Let’s go!我们出发喽! Have a good sail.一路顺风。 I’m a little captain,我是一个小船长, A little captain of a ship.小呀小呀小船长。 A seagull flies and says hello,海鸥飞来说你好, A dolphin jumps and waves at me.海豚跳起挥挥手。 I’m a little captain,我是一个小船长, A little captain of a ship,小呀小呀小船长, I’m sailing with the wind and waves,我在风浪中航行, The sea is my good friend.大海是我好朋友。 Hank,壮壮, Here’s your present from Whiskers.这是皮皮送给你的礼物。 Wow thank you.哇!谢谢。 I’m a little captain,我是一个小船长, A little captain of a ship.小呀小呀小船长。 A seagull flies and says hello,海鸥飞来说你好, A dolphin jumps and waves at me.海豚跳起挥挥手。 I’m a little captain,我是一个小船长, A little captain of a ship,小呀小呀小船长, I’m sailing with the wind and waves,我在风浪中航行, The sea is my good friend.大海是我好朋友。 I’m a little captain.我是小小船长。