瓦尔登湖第九章 湖(12)

瓦尔登湖第九章 湖(12)

2021-11-10    13'16''

主播: 古卫东

156 2

The skaters and water-bugs finally disappear in the latter part of October, when the severe frosts have come; and then and in November, usually, in a calm day, there is absolutely nothing to ripple the surface./// One November afternoon, in the calm at the end of a rain-storm of several days' duration, when the sky was still completely overcast and the air was full of mist, I observed that the pond was remarkably smooth, so that it was difficult to distinguish its surface; though it no longer reflected the bright tints of October, but the sombre November colors of the surrounding hills. Though I passed over it as gently as possible, the slight undulations produced by my boat extended almost as far as I could see, and gave a ribbed[rɪbd] appearance to the reflections. But, as I was looking over the surface, I saw here and there at a distance a faint glimmer, as if some skater insects which had escaped the frosts might be collected there, or, perchance, the surface, being so smooth, betrayed where a spring welled up from the bottom. Paddling gently to one of these places, I was surprised to find myself surrounded by myriads[ˈmɪrɪəds] of small perch, about five inches long, of a rich bronze color in the green water, sporting there, and constantly rising to the surface and dimpling it, sometimes leaving bubbles on it. In such transparent and seemingly bottomless water, reflecting the clouds, I seemed to be floating through the air as in a balloon[bəˈluːn], and their swimming impressed me as a kind of flight or hovering, as if they were a compact flock of birds passing just beneath my level on the right or left, their fins, like sails, set all around them./// There were many such schools in the pond, apparently improving the short season before winter would draw an icy shutter over their broad skylight, sometimes giving to the surface an appearance as if a slight breeze struck it, or a few rain-drops fell there. When I approached carelessly and alarmed them, they made a sudden splash and rippling with their tails, as if one had struck the water with a brushy bough, and instantly took refuge in the depths. At length the wind rose, the mist increased, and the waves began to run, and the perch leaped much higher than before, half out of water, a hundred black points, three inches long, at once above the surface. Even as late as the fifth of December, one year, I saw some dimples on the surface, and thinking it was going to rain hard immediately, the air being fun of mist, I made haste to take my place at the oars[ɔːs] and row homeward; already the rain seemed rapidly increasing, though I felt none on my cheek, and I anticipated a thorough soaking. But suddenly the dimples ceased, for they were produced by the perch, which the noise of my oars had seared into the depths, and I saw their schools dimly disappearing; so I spent a dry afternoon after all. 水蚊子和水蝎子在十月的下旬最终都消失了,当严霜已来临,接着在十月里,平静的一天,这里绝对在水面没有了它们的纹路。在十一月的一个下午,在持续了数天的暴雨后的宁静里,当天空如盖仍然完全地高悬/而空气里满是雾霭,我观察到这湖出奇地光滑,以至于难辨它的表面;虽然不再反射十月那绚烂的色彩,而是一派周围一带小山那十一月肃穆的颜色。虽然我穿过它时尽量地温柔,我小船产生的轻微的波浪延伸到几乎我的眼睛看不见,而且给了那些反射一种棱[léng]条状的样子。但是,当我从水面望去,看到远处这里那里的一种微闪,好像是有些水蚊子已经逃过了严霜或许在那里聚集,或者是,偶尔地,由于如此平滑,暴露出湖底的一个泉眼正在翻腾。轻轻地划到其中的一个地方,惊讶地发现我自己被一大群数不清的小河鲈包围,都是约五英寸长,鲜艳的青铜色,在绿色的水面上嬉戏,不断地升向水面,激起小涡儿,有时还留下泡泡。在如此透明和仿佛是深不可测的水里,折射着云朵,我仿佛是乘坐[chéng]着一只气球在天空中漂浮,而小鲈鱼的泳姿/让我感到像一种飞翔或盘旋,仿佛它们是一群密集的鸟从我的左右通过我的水平线之下,它们的鳍(qí),像帆在它们周围张开。///湖中有着很多这样鱼的种群,显然他们在改进着短短的季节,在冬天将要拉起一条冰的百叶窗覆盖他们的天光之前,有时让水面像微风击打而过的样子,或是落下了几颗雨点。当我漫不经心地接近和惊扰了他们,他们会猛然溅起水花或用尾巴搅起涟漪,像某人用毛茸茸的大树枝敲击水面,很快他们就逃到水的深处。终于/风起了,雾霭浓了,浪开始涌了,鲈鱼跃起得更高了,几乎半身子出了水,成百的小黑点,三英寸,一下子都出了水面。///甚至晚到十二月的第五天,有一年,我看到水面有些小窝窝生成,想着马上就要下大雨了,空气里也正在起雾,我连忙操桨往回划;似乎雨已经骤然加大了,虽然我的脸颊没有感到雨点,而我心理上已经接受到一场雨浇。可是猛然/那些小窝窝停了,因为它们是鲈鱼制造的,是由于我的桨的噪声早传到深水造成,我看着鱼群它们模模糊糊消失;于是/我竟度过的是一个全然干燥的下午。