瓦尔登湖三人行(121)《瓦尔登湖》第九章 湖(15)腾讯会议版

瓦尔登湖三人行(121)《瓦尔登湖》第九章 湖(15)腾讯会议版

2021-11-15    71'50''

主播: 古卫东

170 2

今天有金艳霜老师参与 瓦尔登湖三人行(121)《瓦尔登湖》第九章 湖(15)实况录制 2021年11月15日 星期一 晚8:00——9:10 文本 Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 121) 9. The Ponds (15) [26] The cars never pause to look at it; yet I fancy that the engineers and firemen and brakemen, and those passengers who have a season ticket and see it often, are better men for the sight. The engineer does not forget at night, or his nature does not, that he has beheld this vision of serenity[sɪˈrenɪtɪ] and purity once at least during the day. Though seen but once, it helps to wash out State-street and the engine's soot[sʊt]. One proposes that it be called "God's Drop." [27] I have said that Walden has no visible inlet[ˈɪnˌlet] nor outlet, but it is on the one hand distantly and indirectly related to Flint's Pond, which is more elevated, by a chain of small ponds coming from that quarter, and on the other directly and manifestly[ˈmænɪˌfestlɪ] to Concord River, which is lower, by a similar chain of ponds through which in some other geological period it may have flowed, and by a little digging, which God forbid, it can be made to flow thither again. If by living thus reserved and austere[ɔːˈstɪə], like a hermit in the woods, so long, it has acquired such wonderful purity, who would not regret that the comparatively impure waters of Flint's Pond should be mingled with it, or itself should ever go to waste its sweetness in the ocean wave? 火车从没费事停下看它;可我幻想着那些技师们,火工们,刹车手们,还有那些持有一张季节车票的旅客们经常看到它,都会成为更好的人。技师们在夜晚没有忘记;或他的天性没有忘记,他至少在白天看见了这庄严纯洁的一幕。哪怕只有一次,它也会帮助把州立大街和引擎的污垢洗掉。有人提议称它作“神的一滴。” 我曾说过瓦尔登湖没有可见的入水口和出水口,可是它一方面远远地非直接地和佛林特湖相连,那湖更高,通过那附近的一连串小湖,另一方面直接和明显地连着康科德河,那地势更低,也是通过相似的一连串小湖,在另一些地质期它可能已经流溢,再经过一些挖掘,那个是上帝禁止的,它可能被弄得再次流到那里。如果能活得这般矜持和简朴,像林中的隐士,这样长时间,它已经得到如此奇妙的纯洁,谁还会悔恨弗林特湖不洁的水和它混合,抑或/它自身也将在海洋的波浪里浪费它的甜美?