瓦尔登湖三人行(123)《瓦尔登湖》第九章 湖(17)

瓦尔登湖三人行(123)《瓦尔登湖》第九章 湖(17)

2021-11-22    65'11''

主播: 古卫东

186 3

2021年11月22日瓦尔登湖三人行(123)直播实况录制 腾讯会议版 晚8:00——9:05 文本 Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 123) 9. The Ponds (17) [29] Flint's Pond! Such is the poverty of our nomenclature[nə'menklətʃə(r)]. What right had the unclean and stupid farmer, whose farm abutted on this sky water, whose shores he has ruthlessly laid bare, to give his name to it? Some skin-flint[flɪnt]火石,转瞬即逝的含意, who loved better the reflecting surface of a dollar, or a bright cent, in which he could see his own brazen face; who regarded even the wild ducks which settled in it as trespassers[ˈtrespəsəs]; his fingers grown into crooked and bony talons from the long habit of grasping harpy-like; - so it is not named for me. I go not there to see him nor to hear of him; who never saw it, who never bathed in it, who never loved it, who never protected it, who never spoke a good word for it, nor thanked God that He had made it./// Rather let it be named from the fishes that swim in it, the wild fowl or quadrupeds which frequent[ˈfriːkwənt] it, the wild flowers which grow by its shores, or some wild man or child the thread of whose history is interwoven with its own; not from him who could show no title to it but the deed which a like-minded neighbor or legislature gave him who thought only of its money value; whose presence perchance cursed all the shore; who exhausted the land around it, and would fain have exhausted the waters within it; who regretted only that it was not English hay or cranberry meadow - there was nothing to redeem it, forsooth, in his eyes - and would have drained and sold it for the mud at its bottom. It did not turn his mill, and it was no privilege to him to behold it. I respect not his labors, his farm where everything has its price[praɪs], who would carry the landscape, who would carry his God, to market, if he could get anything for him; who goes to market for his god as it is; on whose farm nothing grows free, whose fields bear no crops, whose meadows no flowers, whose trees no fruits, but dollars; who loves not the beauty of his fruits, whose fruits are not ripe for him till they are turned to dollars.// Give me the poverty that enjoys true wealth. Farmers are respectable and interesting to me in proportion as they are poor - poor farmers. //A model farm! where the house stands like a fungus[ˈfʌŋgəs] in a muckheap['mʌkhiːp], chambers[ˈtʃeɪmbə] for men, horses, oxen, and swine, cleansed[klenzd] and uncleansed, all contiguous[kənˈtɪɡjʊəs] to one another! Stocked with men! A great grease-spot, redolent[ˈredələnt] of manures[məˈnjʊə] and buttermilk! Under a high state of cultivation, being manured with the hearts and brains of men! As if you were to raise your potatoes in the churchyard! Such is a model farm. [30] No, no; if the fairest features of the landscape are to be named after men, let them be the noblest and worthiest men alone. Let our lakes receive as true names at least as the Icarian[aiˈkɛəriən] Sea, where "still the shore" a "brave attempt resounds[rɪˈzaʊnds]. " 弗林特湖!我们的命名法就这么可怜。那不洁和愚蠢的农夫有什么样的权力,他的农场毗邻着这天宇的水,而那水的岸边又是被他无情地弄得光秃秃,以他的名字给这水命名?某个吝啬的人,他更爱一个美元表面的反光,或一枚光闪闪的角子[jiǎo zǐ],在那上面他能看到自己黄铜色的厚脸皮;他甚至以为落于其上的野鸭子都属于入侵者;他的手指由于残酷贪婪的攫取习惯/已经弯曲成瘦骨嶙峋的魔爪;——这可不是为我命的名字。我去那里可不是看他和听说他的传闻。他从不来看这湖,从来不保护它,也从不为它说一个好听的字,也不感谢上帝造了它。///还不如用畅游其中的鱼类来为它命名,或常去光顾的飞禽或四足兽,或岸边生长的那些野花,或某个野人或孩子——他们生活的线索融于其中;而不是从他,实在是在玷污那水域,只是做了和某个邻人臭味相投的事情或是立法机构给了他——而他想的就是它的金钱价值。他的出现或许咒遍了所有这些岸;他弄得它周围的土地精疲力竭;甚至对它的水竭泽而渔也乐此不疲;只是懊悔它怎么不都是英格兰干草或蔓越橘的草地——除了这些它一无用场,实在是,在他的眼里——甚至恨不能抽干它的水卖了它水底的泥。它不能转动他的磨坊,拥有它实在没什么用。我看不起他的劳动,他农场里的每一样东西都标有价格。他会乐意带着风景,带着他的上帝,去市场,如果能从那里为他榨出什么东西;在他的农场没有什么东西是免费的,他的田地也不产庄稼,他的草坪也不长花,他的树上也不结果,就长美元。//给我那能享受到真正富有的贫穷吧。农夫们是按照他们穷的比例获得我的尊敬和兴趣——穷农人们。//模范农场!那里房子像一朵霉菌站在粪堆,人们的屋子和马和牛和猪、清洁的和不清洁的都挤在一起!和人们一起囤到发芽吧!一个油烘烘的场所,飘着大粪和乳酪的芬芳!在精耕细作,同时也浇灌了人们的心和大脑!好像是你都能在教堂坟场养土豆!这/就是一个模范农场。 不,不;如果田园风光最美好的特征由人的名字来命名,那就只限于最高贵和最值得的人们。让我们的湖泊接受真正的名字,至少像伊卡洛斯海,那里“仍是那岸”,一个“勇敢尝试在回荡。”