瓦尔登湖三人行(127)《瓦尔登湖》第十章 贝克田庄(2)腾讯版

瓦尔登湖三人行(127)《瓦尔登湖》第十章 贝克田庄(2)腾讯版

2021-12-02    70'22''

主播: 古卫东

87 2

2021年12月1日晚8:00——9:00 瓦尔登湖三人行(127)直播实况录制 腾讯会议版 Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 127) 10. Baker Farm (2) [2] Once it chanced that I stood in the very abutment[əˈbʌtmənt] of a rainbow's arch[ɑːtʃ], which filled the lower stratum of the atmosphere, tinging the grass and leaves around, and dazzling me as if I looked through colored crystal. It was a lake of rainbow light, in which, for a short while, I lived like a dolphin[ˈdɒlfɪn]. If it had lasted longer it might have tinged my employments and life. As I walked on the railroad causeway, I used to wonder at the halo[ˈheɪləʊ] of light around my shadow, and would fain fancy myself one of the elect. One who visited me declared that the shadows of some Irishmen before him had no halo about them, that it was only natives that were so distinguished. Benvenuto Cellini['selɪnɪ] tells us in his memoirs[ˈmemwɑːz], that, after a certain terrible dream or vision which he had during his confinement in the castle of St. Angelo a resplendent[rɪˈsplendənt] light appeared over the shadow of his head at morning and evening, whether he was in Italy or France, and it was particularly conspicuous[kənˈspɪkjʊəs] when the grass was moist with dew. This was probably the same phenomenon to which I have referred, which is especially observed in the morning, but also at other times, and even by moonlight. Though a constant one, it is not commonly noticed, and, in the case of an excitable imagination like Cellini's, it would be basis enough for superstition. Beside, he tells us that he showed it to very few./// But are they not indeed distinguished who are conscious/ that they are regarded at all? 一次我凑巧就站在一道彩虹拱门的拱座里,它填满了更低矮的底层空气,晕染了周围的草和树叶,晃着我的眼睛仿佛是我在看进彩色的水晶。那是一个彩虹湖,在其中有那么一会儿[yī huìr],我活得像一只海豚。如果它晕染的时间长一些,就可能绚烂我的工作和生活。当我走在铁道路基边的小道,我常常疑惑我影子周围的那些光晕,不得不幻想我自己就是被选定人中的一个。有人来看我曾宣称有些爱尔兰人的影子在他前面周围就没有光晕,只有那些特别杰出的本地人们才有。本韦努托•切利尼 在他的回忆录里告诉我们,在他被囚禁于圣•安吉罗城堡期间,做了一场可怕的梦或幻觉之后,一道灿烂的光出现在他头顶的阴影里,早晚相随,不管他在意大利还是法兰西,而且当草上弥漫了露水,它特别明显。这也许就是我刚才提到的同样现象,那就是,特别是在早晨能观察到,但也出现在其他时候,甚至月光下。虽然是一个连续体,平常不注意,既然也是像切利尼的激动的想象,它就有了足够的基础而不是迷信。另外他告诉我们还对极少的人展示过。///可是它们真的一点不能被那些有意识的人辨认出来,还需要提醒? 【附录】 “瓦尔登湖三人行”微信群的对话 古卫东:前面那个not和后面的at all是连用的——not indeed....that又连用—— 果真不怎么怎么样以至于——最后这个they显然是指前一句里的very few 心园漫步:本韦努托•切利尼其实不用show,若是光芒,有意识的人自然看得到,不用show,不用提醒 古卫东:这句话的意思是:但是那些意识到的人们果真一点都不杰出还需要提醒?——这里确实藏着一个幽默风趣的梭罗 心园漫步:没错 古卫东:梭罗在这儿调侃切利尼——前面那句也是调侃:这想象都激动切利尼了,那就更不是迷信了——而不是那就更是迷信了——心园,梭罗是在这儿说反话——你的理解讲不通 心园漫步:这是很合理的切实存在,不是迷信 古卫东:梭罗的言外之意是:好家伙连切利尼都激动了,更不能看成迷信了 心园漫步:所以梭罗到底真真认为这不是迷信——还是通过调侃,反说这是迷信——既是调侃,言外之意是:是迷信 古卫东:只能说这是一种神秘自然现象——确实自带光晕在修道高人身上存在 心园漫步:切利尼就是一个很好的说明与论证 古卫东:连雪莱的心脏都可以久焚不化让朋友抢救出来,何况钟情大自然干干净净的梭罗乎? 心园漫步:妙哉妙哉 古卫东:梭罗自带光环也是自然的事情。——梭罗一生不抽烟不喝酒,他活得是干净而清澈的,和瓦尔登湖一样——梭罗活得干净而透明 心园漫步:we don't have to be regarded. 古卫东:we are indeed not have to be regarded at all. 心园漫步:His halo is like the light of rainbow, colored crystal and dolphin. We are also distinguished enough to see it by ourselves.