瓦尔登湖三人行(132)《瓦尔登湖》第十章 贝克田庄(7)结束篇 腾讯版

瓦尔登湖三人行(132)《瓦尔登湖》第十章 贝克田庄(7)结束篇 腾讯版

2021-12-09    64'30''

主播: 古卫东

119 0

2021年12月9日 星期四 晚8:00——9:05 瓦尔登湖三人行(132)直播实况录制 文本: Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 132) 10. Baker Farm (7) [8] Men come tamely home at night only from the next field or street, where their household echoes haunt[hɔːnt]常去的地方;觅食地;栖息地, and their life pines[paɪns] because it breathes[briːð] its own breath[breθ] over again; their shadows, morning and evening, reach farther than their daily steps. We should come home from far, from adventures, and perils[ˈperɪls], and discoveries every day, with new experience and character. [9] Before I had reached the pond some fresh impulse[ˈɪmpʌls] had brought out John Field, with altered mind, letting go "bogging" ere this sunset. But he, poor man, disturbed only a couple of fins while I was catching a fair string, and he said it was his luck; but when we changed seats in the boat luck changed seats too. Poor John Field! - I trust he does not read this, unless he will improve by it - thinking to live by some derivative[dɪˈrɪvətɪv] old-country mode in this primitive[ˈprɪmɪtɪv] new country - to catch perch with shiners. It is good bait sometimes, I allow. With his horizon all his own, yet he a poor man, born to be poor, with his inherited Irish poverty or poor life, his Adam's grandmother and boggy[ˈbɒɡɪ] ways, not to rise in this world, he nor his posterity, till their wading[ˈweɪdɪŋ] webbed[webd] bog-trotting feet get talaria[təˈleərɪə] to their heels[hiːlz]. 人们夜晚驯良地只是从邻近的田里或街道回到家中,那里他们的家庭回荡着猎号,他们的生活憔悴是因为呼吸着自己呼出的气体;他们的影子,从早到晚,比他们日常的脚步更长。我们应该从远方归来,来自冒险和风暴,每天有所发现,伴随着新的性格和经验。 在我还没到达湖边,某些新鲜冲动带着约翰•菲尔德来了,伴着变化的思绪,这夕照里也不到那边去“挖沼”了。可他,只是打扰了两三个鳞片而我却钓了一串,他说是他运气不好;可是当我们互换了位置,运气又变了。可怜的约翰•菲尔德!——我相信他不读这,除非他通过这一点来改进——想着用某种来自母国的模式到这原始的新国家——用银鱼钓鲈鱼。那有时是好饵,我承认。///他的地平线就那么宽窄,可他是个穷人,生下来就穷,继承的/就是爱尔兰的穷困或贫穷的生活,他亚当的祖母和泥沼的方式;他/以及他的后代,直到他们那涉水的/泥沼里小跑的蹼状的脚,在脚后跟长出翼靴[yì xuē],否则在这个世界上没办法提升。