

2022-03-08    68'12''

主播: 古卫东

243 1

Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 143) 12. Brute Neighbors (2) [4] Hermit. I cannot resist. My brown bread will soon be gone. I will go with you gladly soon, but I am just concluding a serious meditation. I think that I am near the end of it. Leave me alone, then, for a while. But that we may not be delayed, you shall be digging the bait[beɪt] meanwhile. Angleworms are rarely to be met with in these parts, where the soil was never fattened with manure; the race is nearly extinct. The sport of digging the bait is nearly equal to that of catching the fish, when one's appetite is not too keen; and this you may have all to yourself today. I would advise you to set in the spade down yonder among the ground-nuts, where you see the johnswort waving. I think that I may warrant you one worm to every three sods you turn up, if you look well in among the roots of the grass, as if you were weeding[ˈwiːdɪŋ]除草. Or, if you choose to go farther, it will not be unwise, for I have found the increase of fair bait to be very nearly as the squares of the distances. [5] Hermit alone. Let me see; where was I? Methinks I was nearly in this frame of mind; the world lay about at this angle. Shall I go to heaven or a-fishing? If I should soon bring this meditation to an end, would another so sweet occasion be likely to offer? I was as near being resolved into the essence of things as ever I was in my life. I fear my thoughts will not come back to me. If it would do any good, I would whistle for them. When they make us an offer, is it wise to say, We will think of it? My thoughts have left no track, and I cannot find the path[pɑːθ] again. What was it that I was thinking of? It was a very hazy day. I will just try these three sentences of Confutsee; they may fetch that state about again. I know not whether it was the dumps or a budding ecstasy. Mem. There never is but one opportunity of a kind. [6] Poet. How now, Hermit, is it too soon? I have got just thirteen whole ones, beside several which are imperfect or undersized; but they will do for the smaller fry; they do not cover up the hook so much. Those village worms are quite too large; a shiner[ˈʃaɪnə] may make a meal off one without finding the skewer[ˈskjuːə]. [7] Hermit. Well, then, let's be off. Shall we to the Concord? There's good sport there if the water be not too high. 隐士:我不反对。我的黑面包很快就要吃完。我将很高兴很快与你同往,可是眼下我正在总结一个非常严肃的冥想。我想很快就要把它干完。那就,让我稍稍一个人待会儿。不过为了不窝工,在此期间你倒可以去挖一些钓饵。这一带是很难见到蚯蚓的,土壤从来也没有施到足够肥;那一族几乎要灭绝了。挖蚯蚓运动几乎等同于钓鱼运动,如果一个人胃口不那么挑剔;你今天挖到的可以全归你。我倒是建议你到那边坚果树下开挖,那有连翘叶子招手的地方。我想我可以向你保证每三锹下去有一只蚯蚓,如果你留神你翻上来的那些草根,仿佛你是在除草一样。或者,如果你选择走得更远,那也并非不明智,因为我已经发现好钓饵的增加几乎合着这一带平方距离的扩大。 隐士(独自):让我看看;我刚才在哪里?我想我已经接近这种思维框kuàng架;世界也大约躺在这个角度。我是应该去天堂,抑或是去钓鱼?如果我将很快把这一冥想结束,另一个同样甜美的场合会不会呈上?在我这一辈子的生命中,我已经接近于溶解入事物的精华。我恐怕我的思想再招不回来。如果有济于事,我倒宁愿对它们吹吹口哨。当它们帮我们忙的时候,那是明智的吗,说我们得想想?我的思想没有痕迹。我也不能再找到那路径。我当时正在想的是什么?那是一个雾气弥漫的日子。我将仅去实践孔夫子的这三句话;它们也许会召回那状态不远。我不知道那都是些垃圾还是开花的狂喜。切记。一种事情只存在一次机会。 诗人:哎呀,这就,隐士,太快了吧?我刚刚找到十三条整的,其余的一些不完美或个儿小了;不过它们煎一小盘还可以;它们盖不住多少钩子。那些村里的蚯蚓个头又太大了;一条银鱼可能已经饱餐一顿还没找到钩尖儿。 隐士:噢,那我们就出发吧。我们可不可以去那叫康科德的地方?要是那里水涨zhǎng得不那么高,可以找到很好乐子。