

2022-05-21    62'14''

主播: 古卫东

226 0

Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 167) 13. House-Warming (14) [17] Hard green wood just cut, though I used but little of that, answered my purpose better than any other. I sometimes left a good fire when I went to take a walk in a winter afternoon; and when I returned, three or four hours afterward, it would be still alive and glowing. My house was not empty though I was gone. It was as if I had left a cheerful housekeeper behind. It was I and Fire that lived there; and commonly my housekeeper proved trustworthy. One day, however, as I was splitting wood, I thought that I would just look in at the window and see if the house was not on fire; it was the only time I remember to have been particularly anxious on this score; so I looked and saw that a spark had caught my bed, and I went in and extinguished it when it had burned a place as big as my hand. But my house occupied so sunny and sheltered a position, and its roof was so low, that I could afford to let the fire go out in the middle of almost any winter day. 硬气的绿色林木刚被砍下,虽然我很少使用它们,但比其他任何木柴更能回应我的意图。我有时会留下一堆旺火,当我在冬天的下午出门散步;当我三到四个小时回来的时候,它还在活跃并热情洋溢。我的屋子在我离开的时候并不是空着。就如同是我在走时留下一个天性快乐的管家。是我和火住在那里;通常我的管家被证实是忠实的。不过有一天,当我正在劈木柴,我想着就在窗户上瞭一下,看看房子没着火;也仅这一次我记得为自己看到的结果非常担心;于是前去查看,就看见一粒火星正逮住我的床,我及时进去消灭了它,也就在我的床那儿烧了巴掌大一块儿地方。但是我的屋子如此朝阳和得到庇护,它的屋顶如此低矮,我可以让火几乎在任何一个冬天的晌午离开。