

2022-06-03    61'04''

主播: 古卫东

228 2

Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 174) 14. Former Inhabitants; & Winter Visitors(5) [8] It chanced that I walked that way across the fields the following night, about the same hour, and hearing a low moaning[ˈməʊnɪŋ] at this spot, I drew near in the dark, and discovered the only survivor of the family that I know, the heir of both its virtues and its vices, who alone was interested in this burning, lying on his stomach and looking over the cellar wall at the still smouldering['sməʊldə(r)] cinders beneath, muttering to himself, as is his wont. He had been working far off in the river meadows all day, and had improved the first moments that he could call his own to visit the home of his fathers and his youth. He gazed into the cellar from all sides and points of view by turns, always lying down to it, as if there was some treasure, which he remembered, concealed between the stones, where there was absolutely nothing but a heap of bricks and ashes. The house being gone, he looked at what there was left. He was soothed by the sympathy which my mere presence, implied, and showed me, as well as the darkness permitted, where the well was covered up; which, thank Heaven, could never be burned; and he groped long about the wall to find the well-sweep which his father had cut and mounted, feeling for the iron hook or staple[ˈsteɪpl] by which a burden had been fastened to the heavy end - all that he could now cling to - to convince me that it was no common "rider." I felt it, and still remark it almost daily in my walks, for by it hangs the history of a family. 凑巧我第二天夜里穿过田地经过那里,同样的时间,在那事发地点听到一声低低的***。我在黑暗中靠近,发现那家庭唯一的我认识的幸存者,它的美德和恶习的传人,在独自对这场大火表示兴趣,俯卧在地上,打量着地下室墙壁,那下面正在冒烟的灰烬,像他平时的习惯在自言自语。他在河边的草地干了一整天活儿,一得到消息就想方设法抽时间尽快赶来了,来拜望自己的父辈和青春的家。他从各面和各角度依次端详地下室,总在爬着看,好像那里有某些他记得的财宝,藏在那些石头间,实际什么也没有就一堆砖头和灰烬。房子就要不在了,他在看那留下来的东西。仅仅我的出现给了他稍稍安慰,暗示并向我显示,在黑暗许可的范围内,水井埋在哪里;那水井,谢谢上帝,是永远烧不了的。他在墙那儿长时间摸索发现了吊桶杆,那是他父亲砍制和安放在那里的,摸到铁钩子或卡钉那重要部件,通过它一个负荷被附着在沉沉的一端——那就是他所有能附着的——并试图说服[shuō fú]我那不是一只平常的“附手”。我感受到它,而且几乎每天散步的时候都提醒自己它不寻常,它勾着的是一个家庭的历史。