【凯西双语版】Go away, Mr. Wolf!走开,狼先生!

【凯西双语版】Go away, Mr. Wolf!走开,狼先生!

2016-08-24    04'14''

主播: 凯西讲故事.

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欢迎关注微信公众号:凯西讲故事 添加凯西微信:cathy-story,一起玩中学 GO AWAY MR.WOLF Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s that knocking at our little front door? 谁在敲门啊,我们正玩得高兴呢 “Anyone for ice cream?” said a furry, friendly voice. “谁需要冰淇淋啊?”是一个友好但是又令人毛骨悚然的声音。 原来是狡猾的狼先生,好会演呢,左手拿着雪糕和冰激凌,可是右手却拿着一个网准备捉走小猪。 "Go away, Mr. Wolf," said the three little pigs. And they quickly shut the door. “走开,狼先生”三只小猪一起说,然后迅速关上了门。 Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s that knocking at our little front door? 谁在敲门啊? "Coming for a drive? ”said a charming cheery voice. ”谁想出去兜风啊?”是一个迷人的愉快的声音。哎呀,又是狡猾的狼先生,跑车都开来了,背后还藏了个麻袋准备捉走小猪。 "Go away, Mr. Wolf," said the three little pigs. And they quickly shut the door. “走开,狼先生”三只小猪一起说,然后迅速关上了门。 Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s that knocking at our little front door? 谁在敲门啊? "Anyone for a game?” said a hoarse but hopeful voice. “要不要跟我去踢球呀?” 是一个沙哑但仍抱有希望的声音。这回狼先生已经不耐烦了,手上拿着个锤子,准备用锤子砸小猪 。 "Go away, Mr. Wolf," said the three little pigs. And they quickly shut the door. “走开,狼先生。”三只小猪说,然后迅速关上了门。 Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s that knocking at our little front door? 谁在敲门啊 "It is a lovely day for a swim, anybody coming with me? “天气真好啊,一起去游泳吧”狼先生真是饿晕了,这回在背后藏了把锋利的斧头。 "Go away, Mr. Wolf," said the three little pigs. And they quickly shut the door. 但是小猪是不会给你开门的, Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s that knocking at our little front door? 谁在敲门啊,我们正准备吃饭呢 "Anybody home?" “有人在家吗?” "It&`&s daddy!" “Come on in daddy. We’ve got lots to tell you!” “是爸爸!”“爸爸快进来,我们有好多事要告诉你!”