【Ann范例雅思口语】安全驾驶 (July 5)

【Ann范例雅思口语】安全驾驶 (July 5)

2016-07-05    01'55''

主播: Woolwool

2023 275

问:How could safer driving be encouraged? 答:Well, initially we should teach young people, that is to say future drivers, that driving can be dangerous and deadly if people don’t respect road regulations.School headmasters could organize a slide show in every class of secondary school to show pictures of accidents to young students and make them understand the consequences of unsafe driving.In addition, the government should pass legislation to encourage safe driving.Policemen should enforce the law, and severely punish drivers who run red lights, speed or drink and drive. I really think that such measures are indispensable(=vital) if we want to make sure people get the message. Ann的笔记集锦: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI4OTM0MzQ1Mw==&mid=2247483682&idx=1&sn=1b7ab06bd8a50e0c97fc7544fc3e3f38&scene=4#wechat_redirect