【Ann精讲雅思口语】我们身处的城市(Nov 9)

【Ann精讲雅思口语】我们身处的城市(Nov 9)

2016-11-09    14'15''

主播: Woolwool

37132 807

【音频包含】:9分范例回答原音朗读、要点精讲、常见发音问题总结。 全套文本请见公众号:【MissAnn英文课堂】。 ———————————— >> 阅读本节课配套笔记请往下拉> 本期题目:What are some of the major problems cities have to face nowadays? >> Model Answer 范例回答 The first problems that come to my mind are issues related to traffic and pollution. Nowadays it has become very common for people to own a private vehicle. You know, car prices went down, and people's salaries have definitely increased. As a result (= so), the number of automobiles on the roads grows day after day, and traffic gets terribly congested (= heavy) at rush hour, both in the mornings and evenings. In addition, cities have to face problems associated with population growth. More people from the countryside are moving to the cities in order to find a job. Many students from smaller towns decide to study in larger cities, and later on, they try to find a job there. This creates fierce competition for jobs, and troubles with unemployment. On top of this, these people need to find a place to stay. Apartments have become very expensive to buy and the rent is usually very high. In Fuzhou, if you want to purchase a house in the suburbs, you need to pay at least 7000 yuan a square meter. Not everyone can afford that. (文本选自《雅思口语全攻略》) ———————————— >> 精讲笔记 1) 【重点】列举时用啥短语衔接? ① The first XX that comes to my mind is ... ② In addition, ... ③ On top of this, ... 对于任何一个比“你叫什么名字”复杂的问题,你都极有可能会用到列举。所以掌握有条理并且地道的列举用语,既可以帮助自己保持思路清晰,更能够让自己的答案显得很有条理,让考官不会在你不停的用 and 连接的句子中完全迷失方向,不知道你什么时候已经说到下一个点上去了! ① 列举第一项:【The first thing that comes to (my) mind is ... 】即“我能想到的第一件事就是……”。 当然这里的 thing 你可以替换成任何的词 …… 【完整精讲笔记请见于公众号:MissAnn英文课堂】