

2016-01-20    08'50''

主播: 英语啪啪啪

449 81

1.“That movie was shit!” .“那部电影是烂片!” “That movie was the shit!” .“那部电影非常好。” 2.“That sounds horrible!”“这听起来太可怕了!” “Yeah, I was walking up shit creek.““是的,我太不幸了。” 3.“(Holy) shit!”“天呐!” 4.“You seemed pretty drunk last night…”“你昨晚似乎喝醉了...” “Yeah, I was totally shit-faced.”“是的,我完全醉了。 ” 5.“Excuse me sir, would you mind filling out a quick survey?“抱歉先生,您介意填写一份快速调查吗?” “Eat shit!”“不填!吃*吧你。” 6.“Oh no, my cell phone died!”“噢不,我的手机坏了!” “Damn, we’re shit out of luck!”“该死,我们真不走运! ” 7.“Hey dumb shit / shit for brains!”“嘿,笨蛋!” 8.“Stop crying, man. Get your shit together.”“别哭了,冷静下来好好解决所有问题。”