

2017-03-14    11'20''

主播: 英语啪啪啪

235 16

Share A Fruit Salad ----------- Sharing is caring! Yes, order only for one fruit salad and share it with him or her. 分享就是爱! 点一个一人份的沙拉和你的他(他)一起吃。 Play With Pillows ----------- If you are naughty, you must do naughty things. 调皮的你,改不了你调皮的天性。 Kiss On The Road ----------- You will never be able to forget this kind of strange experience. 你永远无法忘记这种独特的经历。 Bath Together ----------- This is one of the best romantic things to do together. 这是一起做的最浪漫的事之一。 Kiss In Rain ----------- Just grab the lips of your partner and say thank you in a passionate way! 直接夺过他(她)唇 用一种更激情的方式对他(她)说谢谢。