

2018-11-11    05'31''

主播: 黑格子~

1136 8

11月11日是国际军人纪念日,也是纪念第一战结束的100年。 而与去年有所不同的是,今年我想和大家分享来自于Diane Ackerman 一首感悟于大自然的诗。 Ackerman是一位美国作家、诗人和博物学家。 她曾坦言:她想当自然学者兼(兼职)诗人,她认为,大自然是至真、至美、至善的。 我们人类所有可能的灵感与精神升华都可以在大自然里找的到。 正如Ackerman诗歌里面提到: 我会尊重所有的生命 ---无论何种形式 它或许住在 --我的地球家乡, 或许居于 星星的豪宅。 A great deal of Ackerman’s exquisite writing is devoted to celebrating science. With her poet’s heart and scientist’s mind, she approaches the question of spirituality from a strictly nonreligious standpoint, celebrating attention as the means for finding transcendence not in a supernatural “god” but in the divine splendor of nature. “I believe avidly in the separation of church and state,” she explains of her impetus for writing the poem. “I don’t want children forced to worship someone else’s god, but I do want them to develop a spiritual nature, and become concerned with higher values.” Although cast as a child’s prayer, the poem is a powerful invitation to attentive presence and a beautiful daily practice of intention, whatever one’s age: SCHOOL PRAYER 以破晓的名义 以早晨的眼皮的名义 以旅行的月亮的名义 以它离去的那个黑夜的名义, 我发誓我将不以仇恨 让我的灵魂蒙羞, 而且谦卑地自愿奉献出自我 为一名自然守护者, 为一名痛苦治愈者, 为一名奇迹使者, 为一名和平建筑师。 以太阳和其反射镜的名义 以包含它的白日的名义 以覆盖在其上的云朵面纱的名义 以这极致之黑夜的名义 以男性和女性的名义 以结满种子的植物的名义 以萤火虫和苹果 这完美的季节的名义, 我会尊重所有的生命 ---无论何种形式 它或许住在--我的地球家乡, 或许居于星星的豪宅。 In the name of daybreak 
and the eyelids of morning
 and the wayfaring moon
 and the night when it departs, I swear I will not dishonor 
my soul with hatred
 but offer myself humbly 
as a guardian of nature, 
as a healer of misery,
 as a messenger of wonder 
as an architect of peace. In the name of the sun and its minors 
and the day that embraces it
 and the cloud veils drawn over it
 and the uttermost night 
and the male and the female
 and the plants bursting with seed
 and the crowning seasons of the firefly 
and the apple, I will honor all life —wherever and in whatever form
 it may dwell—on Earth my home,
 and in the mansions of the stars. 感谢鹿儿汉语修整。